يقول ناجي صوراتي، المخرج المسرحي(التجريبي منه فقط) وأستاذ المسرح في الجامعة اللبنانية الأميركية ومدرسة الكوليج
يقول عن مسرحيته الأخيرة "تقاسيم عراكية : الأفكار التي استكشفناها في هذا العمل هي العنف، والمعارك. والقتل، والملائكة، والمحاربون،والوقت والذاكرة والصمت والضجيج، والإستدارية، والهوية، والبقاء والإنسانية"
رائعة هذه الرحلة المسرحية الإسكشافية التي يقوم بها هذا المخرج المثڤف والفيلسوف
لم أشاهد "تقاسيم عراكية لأنني شاهدت عرضه السابق ((في قلب قلب جسد آخر)) واكتفيت من التجريب
ليس لأنني فوّت على نفسي عرضا خلابا أبكى العالم
بل لأنني كنت وددت مشاهدة رامي وهو يمثل وينط ويرقص.
من رامي؟
رامي ليس تلميذا في الجامعة اللبنانية الأميركية
رامي يجيد "الكابويرا" وهو فن قتالي برازيلي.
رامي يمثل مع ناجي صوراتي في مسرحياته
رامي حكوجي. يتكلم باستمرار.
ناجي صوراتي لا يحب من يتكلم في التمارين
في التمارين ممنوع الكلام،
اذا تكلمت، على زميلك الممثل أن يضربك حالا وبخفّة على فمك
ناجي صوراتي وضع هذا القانون وفريق العمل وافق. ديمقراطيه
خليل يقف الى جانب رامي في التمرين
خليل تلميذ نشيط في الجامعة
وهو ممثل مع ناجي
رامي يتكلم
خليل يصفعه عل خفيف
رامي لا يسكت، يتكلم مرة أخرى
يصفعه خليل مرة أخرى
خليل يطبّق القانون. تلميذ منضبط، يسمع الكلمة.
أما رامي لا
رامي يضرب خليل ،لا نعرف اذا كانت صفعة عل خفيف أو عل ثقيل
ناجي صوراتي يغضب من حالة العنف هذه
لكن لكل داء دواء
...يجمع ممثليه في صف مستقيم على خشبة المسرح
يقف رامي في الأمام
يبدأ الصوراتي بتربيط رامي
الكل يتفرج
ماذا سيفعل المخرج الآلهة؟
هل سيغتصب رامي على مرأى زملائه الممثلين - طلاب في مقتبل العمر؟
ماذا سيفعل الآلهة الصوراتي؟
يطلب الصوراتي من الممثلين الزملاء بالتقدم من رامي و ضربه
منهم من ضربه بخفة ومنهم من ضربه بقوة
ينتهي الضرب يطلب الصوراتي من تلميذة نشيطة الذهاب الى مكتبه
لماذا مكتبه؟ هل ستأتي باللبن لوضعه على اذني رامي ومن ثم تركه للقطط الكثيرة في حرم الجامعة؟
ذهبت لتأتي بولاعة أي قداحة
القداحة ليست لسجائره الغولواز الحمراء بل هي قداحة سيجار
وهي مختلفة عن القداحة العادية
تحرق أكثر
تأتي التلميذه النشيطة بالقداحة، قداحة السيجار أصبحت في المنزل (أي المسرح) و في يد الصوراتي تحديدا
الصوراتي يبدأ بحرق جسم رامي
صوت القداحة تلامس الجلد
رائحة جلد محروق
الممثلون يتفرجون
برعب، باشمئزاز، بلذه، مش مهم
المهم أنهم يتفرجون- موافقون ب صمت
ربطت ألسنتهم رائحة الجلد المحروق ونازية هذا المخلوق الصوراتي
قداحةالصوراتي تراقص جسم رامي المربوط... يتألم ب صمت
ربما يحب الألم أو لا يمانعه؟ .
الصوراتي في الوقت عينه يحاضر. نعم كان يحاضر بكل وقاحة! عن ماذا؟
عن العنف...نعم فرامي هو عنيف، تعلم العنف في الحياة، واصلاحه يكون فقط عبر العنف
قانون صوراتي آخر يطبق في مسرح جامعي تحت قانون الجامعة
فريق العمل موافق، ادارة الجامعة! أين إدارة الجامعة؟
ينتهي الحرق،
اجتماع ما بعد الحرق
الكل مجتمع! يسأل الصوراتي الممثلين من منهم يوافق على هذه الجريمة النفسية التي ارتكبها معهم وبمشاركتهم؟
الصوراتي ديمقراطي
الكل وافق ما عدا ممثلين اثنين
وبقي الكل
أكثر ما يغضب في القصة أن رامي وبالرغم من الإهانة والحرق والضرب، قرّر البقاء والمشاركة في العرض
رقص وهو محروقا، كان حرقه ينزف وهو يرقص،
أكثر ما يغضب في القصة أن الطلاب لم يفهموا مدى الأذى الذي تعرضوا له في صف الصوراتي
ولم يكترثوا، لم يطالبوا بطرده، ولم يزّرقوا عليه
انسان كصوراتي، يدّعي الجمال والتجريب، يغسل دماغ ويكذب
الجامعة تيتج له
وهو يجود
يعيش فانتازيا لا أحد يعرف حدودها
بدايتها قداحة وحرق
لكننا نجهل وقاحتها ومداها
هل العقاب في المسرحية القادمة سيكون غرفة الغاز؟
أم التبويل في الفم؟
هل سألت ادارة الجامعة هذا السؤال؟
هل سألت مدرسة الكوليج هذا السؤال؟
الصوراتي لا يهمني ولا يعنيني ولم ألتقيه يوما في حياتي
فهو حر بممارسة قصصه واستكشفاته اذا كان نائما في سريره وحيدا أوبصحبة آخرين
يحرقون بعض ويتلذذون
هم في السرير والباب مقفل ولا أريد أن أعرف
انما ممارسة هذه القصص في الجامعة أو في المدرسة هو مرض لئيم
عوارضه ظاهرة على ملامح ضحاياه تلاميذ كانوا أو مؤّلهين
يبقى السؤال
هل يعطي الصوراتي دروسا خصوصية؟
يرجى الإجابة بنعم أو لا
علما أن المزيد عن "المدرسة الصوراتيه" سيأتيكم قريبا
سأجعل الصوراتي شغلتي و عملتي
Some people are alive just because it's illegal to kill them!
You are an Idiot :)
- you ain't just an idiot and a donkey too!
You missed a great performance btw!
Whomever told you all that needs some help and so do you. :)
- you ain't just an idiot and a donkey too!
You missed a great performance btw!
Whomever told you all that needs some help and so do you. :)
Who are you?
Why should we believe you?
Weren't you taught in your BA degree at LAU oh sorry! LU ( mind me i bring my infos from your everchanging facebook wall ) that defaming people like this is libel.
A script writer doesn't know the difference between Libel and criticism. ( and you taught students!!!)
In countries that respect their citizens you can go to jail for this!
Considering your classes in a university that you couldn't continue one semester you are not worthed any answer!
you are not the right person to discuss LAU and its faculty. Your approach is repulsive!
Small minds discuss people; great minds discuss concepts. (do you know who said this? - I doubt)
i hereby testify that everything that is written is true and had happened. Go and see Rami's scars if you don't believe. who ever is saying that it is not is either lying or was miss informed. I was there i saw and smelled everything.
From what you are saying i understand that you are admitting that it is true and it did happen. And sorry are we discussing how i feel or are we discussing that what happened is wrong and a crime and that it shouldn't happen on a university campus? I don't need to be a heroine to be against this am just a normal person that simply differentiates right from wrong.
if you read my comment well, you would have noticed that at no time i defended Naji. I demanded for proof!!! eye witness that took one month to reveal itself; and it revealed itself because of a fight with the Killer is not an eye witness anymore!!!
PS: After the fight they were kicked out of the play.
I attacked your approach which is disrespectful to LAU and everyone in it.
I attacked you because YOU are not the RIGHT person to judge. YOU who wasted one semester of student's time and money in a banal course are in no situation to wage wars against other humans (Regardless of how much KILLERS are those humans!!!)
you are right i am not a grammatical genius but at least with all my mistakes i don't go around preach people
Enough, this blog is causing me diarrhea! and its taking a lot of my time.
by the way, reading your other blogs, i think you missed a great performance! you would have enjoyed it.
Exactly! What was said above is so true.
The thing that's pissing me off is that some people are replying as if this is a personal vendetta.
No one is attacking Nagy because they hate him, it is because he simply did something wrong, and this wrong should be punished and its up to people to talk about it as they see fit.
If someone's against this post please reply on what was being said not the people who wrote it. Defend the burning but don't attack the people who are talking about it because its their right to do so... I guess its a bit hard to defend such a thing, though! :P
I’m a student in LAU, and Nagy taught me.
I enjoyed his class, and I always admired him as a person, but when I heard about this story I was shocked and didn’t want to believe it, but the scars were there and I saw them.
I believe such an act is wrong and should be stopped, and what bothered me the most is that most of who were there didn’t react to this violent act!
The next day I came to university, although very angry because no one stood in front of Nagy while this was taking place, but decided that I don’t have the right to impose my beliefs on anyone, and that the problem is the act of burning, and violence that Nagy is doing.
The problem is not between one group against another, the problem is between some students against a teacher. Nagy is the one who committed this act, and he’s the one who should take responsibility for it. I would like to see Nagy defending himself against this “accusation”, instead of fueling a war between students.
I was already disgusted when I saw that actions were taking place against three students in university who were part of this production and stood against Nagy, (blocking them on facebook, and not talking to them).
What was even more disgusting was that people were sent to us, to try to convince us that this whole thing “was blown out of proportion” and it’s very obvious that it was not.
In the end what matters is that relationships between students remain normal (no more limited profiles, please :P), and that personal insults are not means to try to solve this problem.
It’s very silly that people are fighting against one simple person who is not “godly” and might have committed a terrible mistake.
I’m a student in LAU, Nagy taught me, and I enjoyed his class, and I always admired him as a person, but when I heard about this story I was shocked and didn’t want to believe it, but the scars were there and I saw them.
I believe such an act is wrong and should be stopped, and what bothered me the most is that most of who were there didn’t react to this violent act!
The next day I came to university, although very angry because no one stood in front of Nagy while this was taking place, but decided that I don’t have the right to impose my beliefs on anyone, and that the problem is the act of burning, and violence that Nagy is doing.
The problem is not between one group against another, the problem is between some students against a teacher. Nagy is the one who committed this act, and he’s the one who should take responsibility for it. I would like to see Nagy defend himself against this “accusation”, instead of fueling a war between students.
I was already disgusted when I saw that actions were taking place against three students in university who were part of this production and stood against Nagy, (blocking them on facebook, and not talking to them). What was even more disgusting was that people were sent to us, to try to convince us that this whole thing “was blown out of proportion” and it’s very obvious that it was not.
In the end what matters is that relationships between students remain normal, (no more limited profiles, please :P) and that personal insults are not means to try to solve this problem. It’s very silly that people are fighting because one simple person who is not “godly” and might have committed a terrible mistake.
- I have posted a comment earlier.
Idiot and Donkey may have not be the right words to comment on this blog. And weren’t interesting to read anyway.
I worked on this play.. but I did not whiteness what happened. I heard about it just like everyone else later.
I have commented idiot and donkey.. because that’s how i explained what happened.. Having rami hit by all the actors, i thought its part of the rehearsals. I do not know how Nagy thinks violent and aggressive attitude during rehearsal could actually help actors perform better a play like this. It could be so complicated how he sees it.
The burning part! well I can't find a reasonable answer for that.
The performance was great. And I personally loved it.
But Layal if you now think all this was wrong, why didn't you stand up and leave? Why is it to easy to come up now and tell everyone you saw this and now you don’t agree?! Layal am sorry to say you are in a very weak position, you were part of this play and now after you are not you stand up and say it was all wrong and you do not agree with it. I would have considered your point if you were one of the actors and came up to Nagy and said: Am out! I do not Agree!
And also the others who are against what happened, people who write notes in meetings, why didn't they leave? Why are they now discussing this ?
why wasn't this reported to the producer? Why is all this now after the performance?!
Again, I have known about this until later, I do not agree burning rami was something right but I do not know how Nagy explains it.
Hanin Azzam said...
- I have posted a comment earlier.
Idiot and Donkey may have not be the right words to comment on this blog. And weren’t interesting to read anyway.
I worked on this play.. but I did not whiteness what happened. I heard about it just like everyone else later.
I have commented idiot and donkey.. because that’s how i explained what happened.. Having rami hit by all the actors, i thought its part of the rehearsals. I do not know how Nagy thinks violent and aggressive attitude during rehearsal could actually help actors perform better a play like this. It could be so complicated how he sees it.
The burning part! well I can't find a reasonable answer for that.
The performance was great. And I personally loved it.
But Layal if you now think all this was wrong, why didn't you stand up and leave? Why is it to easy to come up now and tell everyone you saw this and now you don’t agree?! Layal am sorry to say you are in a very weak position, you were part of this play and now after you are not you stand up and say it was all wrong and you do not agree with it. I would have considered your point if you were one of the actors and came up to Nagy and said: Am out! I do not Agree!
And also the others who are against what happened, people who write notes in meetings, why didn't they leave? Why are they now discussing this ?
why wasn't this reported to the producer? Why is all this now after the performance?!
Again, I have known about this until later, I do not agree burning rami was something right but I do not know how Nagy explains it.
- I have posted 2 comments and I can no where find them?!?!
Leave britney ALOOONNEEEEEEE!!!!
Leave Najiiiiii aloooneeeee
My Name is Farah Hashim
i took some courses with naji souraty
he was simply brilliant and not anyone can easily understand his teaching methods
he taught me to be punctual
he taught everything i need to know about theater
about love, life literature about acting about everything
i admit he is tough
he is bold in his methods
but he built a big part of my personality
he is my role model
he is the reason i loved theater
i know we have amazing professors
but u can never and i mean never
mention lau theater without nagy sourati
i love him
i traveld from kuwait just to see his last performance
i had only 100$ in my pocket but fuck it /....
i just wanted to see what he prepared for us
his plays are not commercial and the intention is not for fun
i beleive his plays are warning messages toward the life we are living in
he was simply pointing out to the violence that we are nurtured on
to the hate and killing we had in our bloods and inherited it through our forefathers.
to him violence is a desire an ugly desire buried within our souls
we have to wake up
how can we wake up if we don't feel the pain
whether rami was burned or not
i support nagy
he is trying to help students graduate with a degree in self realization that our reality is catastrophic
he never cared about giving us grade i can totaly believe in that
im so glad nagy souraty's work existed in my life
he is simply a great man
with a unique mind
My Name is Farah Hashim
i took some courses with naji souraty
he was simply brilliant and not anyone can easily understand his teaching methods
he taught me to be punctual
he taught everything i need to know about theater
about love, life literature about acting about everything
i admit he is tough
he is bold in his methods
but he built a big part of my personality
he is my role model
he is the reason i loved theater
i know we have amazing professors
but u can never and i mean never
mention lau theater without nagy sourati
i love him
i traveld from kuwait just to see his last performance
i had only 100$ in my pocket but fuck it /....
i just wanted to see what he prepared for us
his plays are not commercial and the intention is not for fun
i beleive his plays are warning messages toward the life we are living in
he was simply pointing out to the violence that we are nurtured on
to the hate and killing we had in our bloods and inherited it through our forefathers.
to him violence is a desire an ugly desire buried within our souls
we have to wake up
how can we wake up if we don't feel the pain
whether rami was burned or not
i support nagy
he is trying to help students graduate with a degree in self realization that our reality is catastrophic
he never cared about giving us grade i can totaly believe in that
im so glad nagy souraty's work existed in my life
he is simply a great man
with a unique mind
I hope EVERYONE stops the insults, the posts are becoming very banal and pointless. On both sides.
I really appreciate the people who are putting in useful things and hope that everyone can get the chance to read them thoroughly and think about them, it's very important to think!
Farah, I agree with the most part. He really is an amazing professor, I took two of the best classes I every had in LAU with him, I think his plays are out of this world, and he was a role model to me.
Regardless, what he did was wrong, no matter what the reason, or the purpose. No matter what state of mind the people who saw it were in, what he did was wrong and unfair to the people who where there.. acts such as this can really affect people, this is the scary part!
And I simply cannot stand for it!
i know him enough :)
u have no right to attack me or what i say
ur freedom of expression ends right here.
right where i started ...
i'm sure he has a purpose behind everything he does
and u shouldnot insult me just because i dont agree with you :)
thanks for your beautiful replies dear Anonymous
Walaw, Farah? Please! I don't know where you saw any attack! I was very polite. On the contrary I was agreeing with some of what you said and simply stated my opinion that differed from yours thats it!
Please calm down! :D
lol fouad habibi :D man i dont know u im not talking about u i respect everything u said
my comments is for mr anonymous ;)
Thank you for your beautiful comments ::
Ur right :)
This is ur opinion after all and i respect it
U dont need to insult me to proov ur point
Good luck )
Burning someone is a crime i understand that
But i cant imagine naji would do such a thing
I hope this is a false piece of information
And if its not
Then nagy should tell us why he did it
Im still in shock to hear sucj news
I hope again these are lies
I aplogize for all if anyone got offended
From my comments
Im just a loyal student
Who supports her professor
And cant beleive he would do such an act
Thank you for your comment, and thanks for keeping your ideas and your words decent (except for the part to Layal, but I'll get to that later).
My dear friend, I agree with you 100% what matters is that relationships between students remain NORMAL, and yes Nagy is not buying any of this and is not causing us to fight, I hope. Saying this I quote Rayssa, when I say this to some people: "no more limited profiles" on facebook, they only make tensions grow.
Yes Rami is of age and isn't a student, which makes the subject more problematic for me, because he remained silent. Something like this could be taken to court and can end up in imprisonment BECAUSE he is not a student. Let's be thankful it's still being dealt with within university measures.
But, nevertheless, something wrong happened, and the silence was wrong. The article was exaggerated? Could be, but if even a slight burn happened it should be talked about, because a red line was crossed and it's scary. Its scary to think that such a person exists and will still be dealing with fragile minds for years to come. People are not paying money for this.. this is not education nor is it theatre anymore. And it is people's right to talk about it and to expect justice to be served.
As for Layal. She is one of the strongest girls I know. She was in a weak position once, how can't she be after being savagely kicked out of a performance she'd been working on for 5 months, just because she commented on wearing a wig. This is not education anymore, this is not theatre, this is terrorism and "tekhwif".
But now she is strong again, she has stood up for herself and is seeing things clearly again because she's out, and maybe it is a good thing she got kicked out because she was able to judge for herself again without having the pressures of the group around her.
She did all she did on her own and I have great respect for this girl and for everyone who stands up for an idea and principle, even if it was a month late.
Please stop criticizing, no one can see what the other is seeing and no one is here to analyze anyone's personality. Your well-written comment ended when you wrote Layal Kreidieh's name.
I agree i swear its wrong but still i dont believe he did it
This post was initially a reply for the post starting with: "this whole blog has gotten out of hand". But it didn't appear last night so I'll try again and it makes sense for the others also:
Thank you for your comments, and thanks for keeping your ideas and your words decent (except for the part to Layal, but I'll get to that later).
My dear friend, I agree with you 100% what matters is that relationships between students remain NORMAL, and yes Nagy is not buying any of this and is not causing us to fight, I hope. Saying this I quote Rayssa, when I say this to some people: "no more limited profiles" on facebook, they only make tensions grow.
Yes Rami is of age and isn't a student, which makes the subject more problematic for me, because he remained silent. Something like this could be taken to court and can end up in imprisonment BECAUSE he is not a student. Let's be thankful it's still being dealt with within university measures.
But, nevertheless, something wrong happened, and the silence was wrong. The article was exaggerated? Could be, but if even a slight burn happened it should be talked about, because a red line was crossed and it's scary. Its scary to think that such a person exists and will still be dealing with fragile minds for years to come. People are not paying money for this.. this is not education nor is it theatre anymore. And it is people's right to talk about it and to expect justice to be served.
As for Layal. She is one of the strongest girls I know. She was in a weak position once, how can't she be after being savagely kicked out of a performance she'd been working on for 5 months, just because she commented on wearing a wig. This is not education anymore, this is not theatre, this is terrorism and "tekhwif".
But now she is strong again, she has stood up for herself and is seeing things clearly again because she's out, and maybe it is a good thing she got kicked out because she was able to judge for herself again without having the pressures of the group around her.
She did all she did on her own and I have great respect for this girl and for everyone who stands up for an idea and principle, even if it was a month late.
Please stop criticizing, no one can see what the other is seeing and no one is here to analyze anyone's personality. Your well-written comment ended when you wrote Layal Kreidieh's name.
Stop throwing stupid remarks left and right!!
I'm trying to remain decent in this thing but I guess its a bit harder for you to do so. Show me the marks khayyeh! Prove it, please.. I would like one of you to prove something you say! I'VE seen the marks on Rami..
And I've been spending a lot of time with Layal recently and I think if she took heroin I would see that..
Lay off the big words friend, do a bit of research about heroin then come and speak, ok habibi?
Okkk tamem! :P
I wish I knew to whom I'm speaking:
Friend, first of all, if I am not to judge so are you. Its normal for Layal to have given anything to be onstage, she'd been working of it for 5 fucking months and got kicked out for the stupidest reason ever (good man, why wasn't Rami kicked out for hitting Kalyl?).
Yes the first couple of days she had hope of returning, but her nerves were withered for three days waiting for her director to talk to her, while people where also further playing with her nerves. At the end there was no hope and THEY left her with her rage.. it was the only expected reaction.
She realized that she had been manipulated and frightened to death, why should she stand for this?
If I was in her position I would have done much worse, what would you have done in her place?
Just sit in your corner and cried waiting for the benevolent director to give you 2 minutes of his time?
I know I'm an outsider (you love dividing things this way), but with Layal, I was there with her from the beginning and I saw what she was going through so don't recount to me what happened, you do not know; in this respect you are the outsider.
Ma baddeh upper hand wala shi, I'm standing for a cause! Please stop using the same arguments with me I hate repeating myself.
Btw the first part of the previous post is not posting :S I don't know why!
I Detest your ways!
I DOUBT your witnesses!
I HATE your approach.
and i have never worked with najy
My name is Nemesis and i am not a terrorist!!!
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