لكن هذا لا يعني أنها لم تحدث على مدى العامين المنصرمين
وهنا يتمحور ندمي الشديد وحمرنتي المقمعة في عدم نشر هذه الحادثة سابقا
الحادثة تبدأ بزيارة صديقتي الإيرلندية "روزان" إلى لبنان آتية من بريطانيا
هذا بعدما كان قد طلع الشعر على لساني وأنا أحدثها عن لبنان
وجمال لبنان، وروعة لبنان، وطقس لبنان، وقرب الجبل من الشاطىء في لبنان، ولزة أهل لبنان،والأكل في لبنان
فإما شعرت روزان أن لا بد ولامهرب لها إلا زيارة هذا المكان،
أو ربما لتخرسني - في الحالتين
جاءت وبحقيبتها أمال عالية - هاي هوبس أوروبية
فأمضينا أسبوع رائع بين البحر والجبل والنهر والسهل والسهر
حتى بانت علامات السعادة على وجهها
وفي اليوم السابع توجهنا إلى مسبح الرياضي في بيروت
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http://focuslebanon.blogspot.com/ الصورة من |
وهنا تبدأ القصة
تسبحنا، أكلنا ، تمددنا في الشمس وقرأنا
قالت لي روزان أنني كنت محقا عن لبنان وجماله. فرحت وسعدت
قالت لي أنها توّد تعلم الغطس في لبنان
قلت لها "إيزي" سأسأل عند المدخل إذا كان لديهم غطاس
وتوجهت مع وجهي إلى المدخل
وسألت الرجل الأسمر العجوز
فقال لي: نعم عنا أحلى وأشطر غطاس
قلت له: روعة
أعطاني كرت الغطاس: بسام بقيلي - إحفظوا الإسم جيدا
وعدت مغتبطا إلى روزان مع هدية غطس
كلّمت بسام تلقائيا، فقال لي أنه يمارس الغطس وتعليمه من ثلاثين سنة
إتفقنا على موعد لبدء الدروس
حضرت في الموعد المحدد بعد بضعة أيام برفقة روزان
كانت هي تطير وتحط من الفرح والحماس
طمأنني بسام بقيلي وهو رجل في الأربعة وستين من عمره، أن كل شيء سيكون على ما يرام،
وأن دورة الغطس ستستمر خمسة أيام وستحصل روزان على شهادة مصدقة من أميركا في نهايتها
دفعت له 300 دولار وتركت روزان معه لتتعلم الغطس
شكرني وطمأنني مرة أخرى على الطريقة اللبنانية قائلا: مثل إبني إنت، من عيوني، روح ومايكنلك فكر
غطست روزان كل النهار
وفي العصر ذهبت لإحضارها لم أجدها، سألت عنها في المسبح قالوا لي أنها غادرت
إتصلت ببسام قال لي أنه غادر المسبح وروزان غادرت قبله
بدأ الخوف يعتريني، لكن سرعان ما بانت روزان أمامي بوجهها البشوش وبددت كل الخوف
بعدما كانت قد غطست وشاهدت الغروب مع فنجان قهوة في مقهى الروضة
لم أخبرها أنني ذعرت عليها، تركتها فرحة وبلعت غضبي
في اليوم الثاني عدنا إلى الرياضي، و
كما اليوم الأول تركت روزان لتغطس
عند الساعة الرابعة يدّق تلفوني، إنه بسام، روزان في مقهى الكوستا في الحمرا، قال لي
وحضرت إلى كوستا، روزان جالسة وحيدة
وجهها حزين، وعيونها تحبس دموعها
سألتها ما القصة؟ لم تجب
أعدت السؤال مرارا، لم تجب
سألتها لماذا لم تنتظرني في الرياضي، لم تجب
أهو بسام؟
تطلعت هي أرضا وتركت دموعها تروي بلاطات الرصيف
لم تقل شيئا، سكتت،
غمرتها غمرة طويلة
وتركت في أذنها بعضا من عبرات الحب
حتى هدأت قليلا وروت لي ما حصل
قبل أول غطسة صباحية كان بسام ودودا، وعد روزان بغطسة في البحر ورؤية أكواخ الروشة إذا ما تنفست صحيحا
فغطسا سويا، وتنفست روزان صحيحا ولم تستهلك الأوكسيجين المخصص للغطسة بالكامل
عدنا إلى اليابسة، فقال لها بسام: حان وقت الأكواخ
إغتبطت روزان وهيأت نفسها إلى غطسة جديدة
بينما كان بسام يملأ القوارير بالأوكسيجين
وغطسا مجددا
بعد ربع ساعة من الغطسة إستهلكت روزان كل الأوكسيجين في قارورتها
فحدثها بسام بلغة الغطس الخاصة أنها عليها مشاركته أوكسيجانه
وهذا يعني أن عليه أن يكون ملاصقا لروزان جسديا لمشاركتها بكمامته
فغمرها تحت الماء، وبدأت يداه باللعب
لم تفكر روزان في حينها أنه يتحرش بها
ولم تفكر حتى أن بسام لم يملأ قارورتها بالأوكسيجين الكافي للغطسة بغية التقرب منها وممارسة مرضه الرجولي
لم تفكر أن قذارته قد تصل إلى حد المجازفة بقتل إمرأة فقط لأجل لمسة على فخدها
صعدت روزان وبسام إلى سطح الماء بالقرب من أكواخ الروشة
روزان حتى الآن لاتريد التفكير أن هذا العجوز إبن ال٦٤ من العمر والأب ورب العائلة يتحرش بها
أقنعت نفسها أنها كانت تتنفس بالطريقة الخطأ ونفذت من الأوكسيجين
سبحا إلى الشاطئ قرب المغارات، هناك بدأ الشك يعتري روزان
لا شيء بل عتمة كاحلة في الداخل، وبسام يسألها الدخول وهي ترفض
فكرت بالرجوع، لكن لا طريق للعودة إلا بالغطس،
ولا أوكسيجين في قارورتها، ولا من أحد للمساعدة
فقررت التصرف بحكمة وبقيت على الشاطئ قرب الأكواخ
جلس بسام إلى جانبها، وبدأ كالمراهق يخبرها عن صاحبة له مغرمة به وهي تعيش في فرنسا بينما هو متزوج هنا
كان يخبرها هذه القصة بينما يتقدم منها بين الحين والآخر، كانت روزان تبتعد عنه قليلا قليلا
كان الخوف يمتلكها، لم تلفظ بأي كلمة
لا حيلة لها ولا أوكسيجين
ينقضّ بسام عليها طالبا قبلة - فقط قبلة على شاطئ الروشة
تدفعه روزان جانبا، وبيدها حجر أملس لرأسه إذا كان يفكر بإعادة الكرّة
لكنه لا يفعل، يبقى صامتا...والرعب يأكل روزان
يفتح بسام فمه فقط ليلقي اللوم على روزان فيقول لها أن الحق عليها، كان يجب أن ترتدي سترة الغطس وتخفي ساقيها - لبناني أصلي
وهو الذي قال لها قبل الغطسة أن لا ضرورة للسترة اليوم، فحرارة المياه عاليه.
لم تجبه روزان، كانت تعرف حينها أن طريق العودة هي عبر الماء وهو الذي يتحكم بالأوكسيجين
بعد لومها علي عملتها الشنعاء، طلب منها بسام عدم إخبار أحد، لم يعتذر لكنه طلب منها عدم إخبار أحد.
كان لا بد لروزان إلا أن تغطس مرة أخرى وأخيرة للعودة إلى مسبح الرياضي
قررت أن تكون شجاعة وأن تغطس مع من تحرش بها،
وقتله إن تحرش بها مرة أخرى
وبالفعل غطست،
لكن بسام لم يقم ولا بأي حركة
وصلا إلى مسبح الرياضي، ولزّق بسام بروزان محاولا إقناعها بعدم إخباري أو إخبار أي أحد
لم تجيد روزان اللغة العربية، كما لم تجيد إفتعال الفضائح
تمنت لو أنها في بريطانيا حيث كان بمقدورها شنغلته مباشرة إلى السجن،لكنها في لبنان،
لم يتركها بسام، إتصل بي للتضليل وقال لي أن روزان ذاهبة إلى كوستا
أوصلها بالقوة وحاول إقناعها كل الطريق بإلتزام الصمت
لم يكن على روزان الذهاب معه، لكنها خافت ولم تستطع التفكير بشيئ،
هذا ما حدث لروزان،
لكن القصة لا تنتهي هنا
حاولت إمتصاص غضبي بطريقة حضارية
لن أحرق سيارته ولن أقتله ولن أقول لأحد من أصدقائي الزعران الإهتمام بأمره
فكرت بالذهاب إلى مخفر الشرطة، لكنني كنت أعلم ماذا سيقولون لي: لشو بدا تغطس بنت لحالها! فلم أذهب
توجهت مع روزان إلى مسبح الرياضي
وطلبت أن ألتقي بالمدير لكنه لم يكن موجودا، أخذت رقمه وإتصلت به
هو مروان أبو نصار
أخبرته أنني أريد رؤيته للضرورة، إتفقنا على موعد في اليوم التالي
أتيت لملاقاته وأخبرته القصة،
بدا متفهما وبدت علامات الإستغراب على وجهه، وقال أنني لا أرضى بهذا الشييء في الرياضي
سألني ماذا أريد؟ قلت له أريد أن ألتقي معه بحضور روزان وبسام، وأتمنى أن يطرد بسام
فوافق، وقال لي أنه سيتصل بي في اليوم التالي
إنتظرت إتصاله على مدى يومين لكنه لم يتصل
إتصلت به في اليوم الثالث فقال لي وبالحرف
حكيت مع بسام، ويا صاحبي بسام إلو ٣٠ سنة بعّلم بالرياضي حتى إنو بعلّم ولاد صغار وبحياته ما حدا إشتكى منو، فما في لزوم نلتقي
لم تصدق أذني ما تلفظ به السيد الوقح مروان أبو نصار
فقلت له : إنو هيك؟
فقال لي: خبرني بسام إنو روزان ضاعت قبل بنهار، وما بدا تلبس ثياب الغطس، فالواضح إنو صاحبتك مش نظيفة
قالها وبكل وقاحة فجنّ جنوني،
فقلت له: نعم صاحبتي مش نظيفه وهيّ عاهرة، بس عمرها ٢٤ سنة وبدك تقنعني إنو بنت ٢٤ سنة عجبها هيدا الختيار المشطشط إلي عمرو ٦٤ سنة تحت المي، فكمشتو عن بيضاتو وقالتلو تعا نيكني
وإنتهت هناك
إن مسبح الرياضي هو ليس فقط مسبح عنصري يمنع العمال الأجانب من النزول إلى مياهه، لعلهم حلّوا في الماء وضايقوا البياض اللبناني، إنما هو أيضا يحوي على متحرشين ومكبوتين جنسيا يعلمون الأطفال الغطس.
أعلم كل العلم أن مسبح الرياضي هو من المسابح القليلة في المدينة بيروت، لكنه ليس المسبح الوحيد،
أعلم أيضا أن الكثير يحبونه لأنهم كبروا على شاطئه الباطون، وسبحوا في زبالته ومجاريره
لكنه حان الأوان لأن نتصرف بمسؤولية مع ما يرتكبه هذا المسبح وإدارته وغطاسينه من قذارات إجتماعية وإنسانية
ومقاطعته مقاطعة كاملة ليس على االطريقة الهيبوكراتية اللبنانية
أرجو من من أصابه حادث شبيه الإتصال بي عبر ترك تعليق مع العنوان البريدي أو الإتصال بالجمعيات والمواقع التالية:
مغامرات سلوى
Tfeh 3ala hek balad w hek 3alam
This is disgusting....this place should be shut down!
You people don't have anything but destroy the reputation of Sporting! It's an amazing place to be in! Get a life
It is indeed an amazing place .Or let's say It used to be. He did take his gf to Sporting...didn't he??he was proud of it... he could have chosen another spot..but this place had preserved its authenticity & that's why it's still popular..but the fact that he's telling this story it's because he too was disgusted and disappointed ..and because people (especially people with children ) should know about the places they hang out in..Sporting throughout this couple of years has managed to destroy its own reputation...
allow me first comment: it's the people not the country. the country also includes the person brave enough to piss off the manager of Sporting, as fo rthe person asking us to get a life, well, they tried. The man had so much life he brought his friend to visit Lebanon, except, the story is not about nationalities, it's about male mentality, anywhere, and everywhere in the world, rich or poor, educated or not, all races and colors. Patriarchal societies and their stone age codes and habits and practices. so tell me, do you get paid by Sporting, Hariries or your just a good friend of the diving instructor?
Man ur insane i know the guy he wouldt do such shit
I knew sporting club is a shitty place back in 2003 when the man at the door prohibited my helper( a Vietnamese lady who is actually more presentable & prestigious than him & his manager) from entering the junk yard they call Sporting Club. I refused to go in back then & I still refuse to even acknowledge it's existence . People who choose to go to this place are either idiots or perverts. Lebanon has become a country for pimps & bitches sorry to say. I was shocked to learn lately that most of the private beaches in Lebanon prohibit women from wearing swimming shorts ( professional quiklsilver or billabong)over their bikinies while
in the pool. I mean, are they real??? I understand hair caps or tying their hair , but actual swim shorts???? What were they thinking????? Sorry for your Iranian friend my friend , but you should have known better ... Welcome to Lebanon
Reply to July 9 4:22: you said you know the man, would he do this shit or not? you've written wouldt. Personally I know the man and I'm sure he'd do such shit.
This is so disgusting. I know this can happen anywhere in the world, but when it happens in civilized countries, it is at least acknowledged and of course brought to justice. I don't understand how someone (the manager) can judge a person (the girl) without listening to her side of the story, just because he wants to hide the scandal so he blames the girl and calls her "not clean". 3ayb 3an jad 3ayb. The more important thing is the action of authorities in lebanon. A girl shouldn't be afraid or ashamed to go to a police station and report an incident like this. She shouldn't be worried about thinking of her in a bad way. Come on people she's the victim. Even victims are treated like guilty people in this retarded country.
When I was 20 years old, a guy in a car called me and asked me to read his medical prescription and then suddenly he showed his baggage. So, I ran away crying and then I saw a policeman. Between my tears I was telling him what happened and then he asked me to tell him details and specify what it is exactly. Come on!!! It was obvious but he was harassing me too, I felt it. So, I ran again with more tears in my eyes!!!
It's time to change this in Lebanon and not just say that we're civilized cultured people. No, we are not if harassment is not acted upon the right way, both by people and authorities.
Leik malla shamse,we both have same name and occupation.
You would think it can not possibly get worse when reading this post and the traumas that have happened..until you actually read the comments and see the level of ignorance of some people.
Anyway, thanks a lot for writing and documenting WITH names. I look forward to next time when we document with addresses:)
l3ama shu wesekh hal zalame bas ana tshaket 3aleh w bade enshera bil jarayed ana brajeey iza ma be7ebso la hal khetyar el na7es
my arabic is bad, translation someone?
Who Goes to that place anyway?!
You write beautifully in Arabic! Lyrical yet simple.
Just a small suggestion... could you write a shorter, English version of the story?
This story is too important to go un-read, and I am worried, people will dismiss it because of the language or length.
Hope Rosane is ok.
I red the article , and it's not true what is written , not all written on the internet is right , i saw razan more than once and she change her pikini under dress as naked "bada tkashif tiza la dbabir wi tkoul lmousalem alla"
irlandian or russian or romanian their price knowed in hamra.
sporting club is a respectful place.
and instructor bassam is a legend in sporting beach.
(Reply on Anonymous 1:48) I'm not surprised this happens when I see such sexist and disgusting comments, when you stereotype all nationalities as prostitutes, I'm sure you can sexually Harass. No problem, it's shame that there are still people who have your mentality
you know whats funny i was raised by that man that you are being " man" enough to diss on the internet because you are a fucking coward . he would never takea girl and do that to her and youhave the whole town of beirute and fucking lebanon to back him up. your simply a guy that loved that soo called ---- ROZAN.and she didnt give a chance, therfore you decided to diss him to cover up your imputence and inability to get with her. if this really happened how about you make her go to the press and say it happened. dont go talking shit when you have no proof. people have known that guy for many years and i would bet my life everyone is laughing at you cause his reputation is CLEAN he is one guy that cares about his students and this is nothing but an attempt to make him look bad specially that now the summer has started and his scuba diving school is back of the rise. let me make one thing clear to you. your friend is sick so are you. it is well known he didnt take her to costa or approach her in an indecent way. everyone that ever knew him or knows him would stand by that. go get a life. you are a sick person with nothing to do in life but complain and nag. you spent hours writting this while you could have easily went up to the police and complained rather than thinking they would say " why would a girl go diving alone" if you believed that this really happened you would have went straight up to him. you know were he works and everyone around sporting knows his number so dont go hiding behind walls like a fool and ruining and talking shit to him. if it really happened and u were man enough you would have faced him in sporting or outside sporting not go complain to the administration because we all know you have no proof and this is just non sense that you posted trying to ruin his reputation. get a life you sick lonely perv.
What exactly is wrong with this last commenting person? Do you have any proof that it didn't happen? Do you think a woman will hallucinate that a man sexually harassed her?? Just for the fun of it? Shame on you and on every Lebanese who just assume that sexual harassment doesn't happen. I bet you are a man and a macho and it never happened to you so shut up please and yes I think the writer should go to the police and report him.
I know Bassam very well, he is a nice person indeed, I always sat with him in Sporting, I never thought of him as a pervert or he could harass girl, till I started hearing things about him, before this post even. I would have never thought that he could do such things, till one day he told me about his French girlfriend and that freaked me out, and I started avoiding him, I thought of calling his son one day, but I wasn't willing to destroy a family, but then thinking about it while reading this post, I think I was wrong, I'm not destroying his family neither the writer of this article, it's him who is doing so. So no guilt.
i now bassam and the sporting since i was born i no jall
really stupid we know bassam from a long time his a very good person its only jealousy go to hell u and ur stories
hhahahaha man u r such a hater.... its so obvious that u have smthn personal against this guy n its not this story.. whoever this is u seriously need to get a life before spreading shit about ppl.. for all we knw u raped ppl!! that much more than watever this dude did.. n ps anonymous july 11 DO YOU HAVE PROOF THAT THIS STORY IS REAL?? untill u get proof shut the fuk up :)
oh my god samia f. i think you need to step up and talk to his family, if you stepped up before u culd've prevented this story, its not his fault anymore its ur fault ur guna have to live with that dnt blame the guy blame urself n go tell his son what are you waiting for????
so the guy approached her n "sexually harrassed her" and she went in the car with him why?? and she lead him on why?? its not always the mans fault, sometimes a girl needs to knw her limits. n if ur soo mad about it go the police and do smthn about not the manager of the place!!!!!!!!!! n christine i agree HIS SEXUAL HARRASEMENT ACCUSATION IS LYRICAL if u ever get raped u can ask him to turn ur experince into a poem im sure he'd love to
I think there is nothing funny for those laughing, and I totally disagree that it is lyrical, everyone has a style of writing and the writer has his own style, its not a journalistic report, its a blog. But put the style of the writing on the side,the story is really sad, and instead of thinking in a sexist way, it'd be great to think in a human way. This person should be taken to court, the story is a old to get enough proofs but I'm sure at some point we'll hear a similar story. For now all the respect for the courage in posting this, I just wish you did that when it happened.
Rozana that is no joke at all!This Bassam is a pervert, I know that and so many do as well...
noooo way 3amo bassam ma bya3mila ana t3alamet ta7et edeh sarlna mna3rfo 15 sene 3amo bassam ma bi 3ayno we7de weskha ajnabeye ba3ref marto wewledo kteer nes taybeen ento bas badkon twaskho seme3to bas ma byetla3 bi edkon rou7o to2o .... Ekhier hamna 3amo bassam atyab ensen wala bi faker ya3mila mberi7 da2aynelo w khabarne 3an hal 7ake
to the post done at 7:56 PM
Calling mucho and saying this never happened to me. your damn right it didnt because i wouldnt put my self in such a situation.
on the other hand let me make one thing clear to you. i have been going to sporting ever since i was 5 years old and i know who bassam is and ive seen how some of the young girls act around him. im not saying he is mr. charming but i know and have seen how some girls are attracted to him and how they act around his. the soo called "author" decided to manipulate the facts and twist it around calling him a wrinkly old 64 year old guy. but lets put that aside. the way he talked about him sais nthn other than he is a jelous guy. if bassam was to approach her in any indecent way she would have called the "author" right after she got out of the water or at least texted him not go vanish for a couple of hours then show up. thats one. two bassam wouldnt have been an idiot to call him saying she went to costa if he had done anything wrong or indecent. if your looking for proof i have 3 people ready to testify and tell you how she acted around him and what she did and how she got changed.
meanwhile he went dissing the management of sporting and especially the manager. let me set one thing straight if the manager of sporting heard such news he wouldnt risk ignoring something like that unless he talked to people and found out what really did happen or else he wouldnt risk keeping bassam and risk loosing customers in sporting.
for god's sake people use rational thinking. dont be wimps and just go pointing fingures. the facts were set by the "author". think it in a bias way and let me know what you think! not wht the "author" is implying.
the post has been up for a couple of days and bassam has been in sporting every day. did he go and face him? no! because he has no proof and he knows that this bullshit talk wont hold up.
the pervs in lebanon start within each and everyone of you. think straight then judge!
Nooooooooooo way bassam will never ever do that he is a clean guy you can call bassam and ask him thats his number 70856086 never say anything about bassam
Thanks a lot for sharing this, I know it must be hard to share it with names. But it is a very important thing to do indeed.
And sorry to read the sexist and stupid comments to ur post..
It is so obvious that the people who are discounting this story are Bassam and his friends. Too late Bassam, you have been named and shamed, and your reputation is buggered all over Lebanon. I for one, am not going to Sporting again, and if I ever meet you, I'll make sure I say 'Oh you're the pervert everyone has been talking about!'
I think Roseanne's behaviour in this story has been exceptional. Has anyone wondered had she panicked what would've happened? yes, this guy would have a far bigger crime on his hand. I don't know how she managed to think through this, and get herself out of the water alive! I would've stolen his oxygen and left him to rot alone, after a good kick on his balls to make him impotent forever. But obviously, she was too nice to do that.
As far as complaining to the police is concerned, I think this blog post is far more efficient, and yes, please provide an English translation if you can, if just to spare other foreigners meeting such scum.
That the truth behind this nonsense slander of bassams reputation read and judge for yourselves!
I don't know Bassam, neither the author of this post nor Rozan. the thing is the kind of comments this post is getting are more disgusting than what Bassam did(if he did it) because it shows how manly,sexist and ignorant people are. It's a shame though how at such moments we turn to blame the Foreigner and support the MAN, it's stupid and make me sad.I'm sure this could have happened with lots of Lebanese girls, and maybe none spoke about it, because we live in a MAN society, we live in fear from family and traditions and we keep quiet just for the sake of "3ored". Its time people to come out and speak about Harassment in our societies, because they happen and they happen everywhere in sporting on the streets, in taxis...everywhere and no one is there to look for you because you are a woman (a weak link). No harassment story is old....and no it's not the woman to blame it's that thing that itches in some men.
@Truth this is desperate....and how come you gathered your evidence and you are residing in DUBAI? and one more thing how did you know that was Rozan who was changing naked with the door opened?
That is so desperate, you could have just posted it as a comment, no need for that energy to start a blog and give it that stupid name!
to the post done at 1:12
u fucking idiot its called roaming service if u havent heard of it ur freaking ass wipe. I gathered my evidence???
if you havent noticed lebanon is a small country were people have nothing to do but talk just like all of u pethitetic people here
go ask around and you will find out your self.
its funny how life less you guys are.
I have been scuba diving with bassam ever since 6 years every other weekend and I feel sorry that people like you are actually saying such stuff about him.
you are demented people the guy has never hurt anyone or came close to anyone the way you guys are saying and I would bet my life on that.
Its a real shame how pethetic you people are!
Seriously? so as a girl my self I think I know how capable a girl is to seduce a guy. so honestly if this even happened im sure she had something to do with it. I'm sure she sent signals or have done something to triger that. on the other hand she was herassed not raped.
GET OVER IT and tell her next time to watch herself around men or else she could get raped
to anonymous at July 12, 2011 1:03 AM
Thank you! they are taking this overboard and making a big deal of nothing. Even if he did it, its Rozan's story to deal with and those comment just show how small minded and free these people are. Seriously spending time fighting about this. for all we know it could have happened and could all be a simple lie. go waste yourtime on something useful rather than this nonsense
@Truth take it easy...your anger says something!
@ jul12 1:22AM
Rozan is 24...bassam 64 this makes it 40 years, when he was 40 she wasn't even born! don't tell me that you could try it on a man knowing previously that he is useless. I don't think that you are a girl!
I think the people requesting a police complaint are forgetting a crucial point about the procedure for such an act. Have you ever been to a police station to report a sexual harrassment case? And... on behalf of a non-Lebanese? I will challenge anyone to get further than filling in a piece of paper...and it would probably be filled in incorrectly and dumped at the bottom of a drawer.
no way bassam is a ledgend how can u say something like that no one can belive this its just jealousy go to hell you and ur rosane/////
heyyyyy is this bassam the ledgend of scuba diving no way people i know him long time ago its grasyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy
Joyce and Rania, you are definitely the same person...and you are definitely not girls...
I can't believe you haven't exposed him before. Why did you wait that long?
At least Joyce & Rania have the courage to post their names Mr/Miss/Ms ANONYMOUS
This article holds no merit!
Discrediting the Sporting Club & Bassam is a simple exercise in futility!
1. Bassam has a perfect track record for over 30 years of coaching young men and young women in Scuba Diving! Screaming WOLF by one lunatic with a rampant imagination does not give the writer or the so called victim credibility!
The writer of this piece of fiction still owed Bassam money for the scuba diving lessons, so as far as I am concerned he not only is a a big time liar but also a small time crook!
Not surprising!
2. To all those who are thrashing Bassam, shame on you!
By law a person is sent to the gallows or the electric chair once overwhelming evidence is presented against the criminal!
You are a bunch of sad individuals who are willing to pass judgment on Bassam who has a spotless thirty year history just because some unknown, posts some sick, crappy story about his heroin girlfriend who overcame her fear of the wolf by throwing herself back into his lair and put herself at risk of being raped again..
Finally, in what exactly is the Sporting Club racist where it relates to this story?
The only garbage that actually passed by Sporting is someone like you! GOOD RIDDANCE!
Terrorist.. Feeble attempt!
But then again Mr unknown even gives donkeys and terrorists a bad reputation!
Try harder Buddy!!!
to the author of this story n i hope u reply to me:
first of all i can assure u that i have taken lessons with bassam n he is the best diving instructor int he world. if the manager wasnt cooperating i still dont understand y u or ur friend rozan didnt personally confront bassam. and lets assume for a min that this indeed did happen, then can u explain to me why bassam is still the most seecked out instructor in all of lebanon?? and to all of u who dont like sporting, GO SOMEWHERE ELSEE plz do us all a favor n go somewhere else. n one more question which i really do hope u answer to me, THERE ISABSOLUTELY NO EXCUSE y rozan went in the car with him. if she was scared in the water then ok i understand but wat was she scared of ON LAND where ppl surrounded her? n y is this is THE FIRST COMMENT WE'VE EVER HEARD OF BASSAM after more than 30 years of teaching?
It's funny how things turn goes around and come back to where it started. I'm glad that this incident finally found its way to the public after 2 years. I was in Sporting that day when a young man came asking about Marwan, he spoke to the waiter and he was boiling of anger and nearly crying, he was absolutely sure of what he was saying, then he left after he got the number. I asked the waiter what was wrong with him? and he told me that he is claiming that his friend was harassed! I found it shocking to hear that about Bassam, someone I saw on daily basis in Sporting.
I was waiting to see Bassam sacked but that never happened. I stopped going to Sporting and I didn't know if he still work there.
So yes the man came and complained about it to the sporting management and I'm ready to back the case if Rozan ever thinks of taking Bassam to court. I will send you my contact in a separate message.
30 years of teaching Scuba diving does not mean that a person is not a sexual harasser! More stories of Bassam will appear soon or later....
This is filthy...No more Sporting.
i saw someone write @as a girl my self I think I know how capable a girl is to seduce a guy. so honestly if this even happened im sure she had something to do with it. I'm sure she sent signals or have done something to triger that. on the other hand she was herassed not raped.GET OVER IT and tell her next time to watch herself around men or else she could get raped"
I am a prof diver working in africa and only dived with bassam last year and have never been with such an experianced diver...on that notee wow you people in lebanon are closed minded....so he asked a chic for a kiss,how gentlemen of him to do so...other lebanese people would say a nasty comment and go for it in an agresive way. He is not a university nor a high school teacher he can hook up with who ever he wants, I hook up with most of the chiks who come through my dive center...there not complaining...and about sporting..I find it very family freindly and a good place to take my baby cousins and sisters knowing the will not witness the true perverted shit that goes on in other beaches....yours truly Billy
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